Wednesday, November 12, 2014

New blogger in CyberSpace

So, lets skip the 'Yaay, I'm a new blogger. Now what exactly am I going to do to occupy this space with?' dilemma and get down to business.

 There comes a point in everyone's life, a crossroads of sorts that made you decide without procrastination, one without which you'd probably be left to stagnate at the junction. Especially when you're left with a lot of poor choices to choose from. Would you choose to follow them, knowing they'd never get you the happiness and content that you long for or would you find the courage to forge a new path for yourself? Grow an extra pair of wings to lift yourself higher or shout at the top of your voice to get the attention you sorely crave for?

Well, here's my advice. This isn't the 80's anymore. Blindly following age old traditions that make absolutely no sense at all is going to get no one anywhere. What we need is a change. A change and a strong will to follow through with what you want to do. Sure, you'd find yourself with a million hurdles to jump over and a thousand other flaming hoops to jump through, But the satisfaction that you get from accomplishing those feats is inexplicable. And even if you fail, never let the fall or the burn get you down. Dust yourself before getting back up, crouch and get ready to make the next leap.
And I mean these for those who don't give a rat's ass about what other people think.

Now for all you viewers out there who're afraid to actually hurt someone in the process, then you needn't worry. When you question 'What if I'm not good enough?', 'What if I don't want to hurt them'?,' What if they laugh at me for trying?', then here's my answer to you : Trying never killed anyone; If anything it gives you the courage to try again. Sometimes people need an extra slap on the face to wake up to the harsh reality. Molly coddling parents never realize that they're actually harming their children by pampering them and trying to hide them from the world. Because, one day, there's going to come a villainous, twisted entity called Fate who's going to show that child exactly what's going on. Exactly how cruel the world can be without the comfort of a parent's welcome embrace or support.

And for all those people who laugh at you for trying, then you will know who the losers are going to be. Take a few minutes of your hectic schedule everyday to remind yourself that you're living this one life for yourself. Not for your parents, your friends, your infinitely million relations who will threaten to bring you down, constantly criticize you of not being good enough. Instead, find the satisfaction of proving them wrong. Prove that you can control your life and not them. And let me assure you, the end results are well worth it. Because, when there come's a point in your life when you have to face trying situations alone, Appa isn't going to shield you and Amma isn't going to pull you into her arms to protect you. You're going to have to find the light your own match to pave your way in the darkness.

And with those thoughts out of the way, I hope you forgive me for the late introduction. You can simply call me Jabber Emi. And I'll make sure to fill my blog with posts containing amusing tidbits that clog my daily, mediocre life. And even though, I'm not sure how many people will be willing to put up with my ramblings (which will probably be quite a lot, infused with a lot of good humor and sarcasm ), but I hope you enjoy what I'm about to put forth.

~ L.O.L (Lots of Love)
Have a sweet tooth day <3 

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