Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Phoenix is back

A good day to the meager few who do stop by to read this,

Recently, my life has taken quite the turn. I wouldn't say for the worst, because that would mean I'm not enjoying the new adventure in my life right now. Let's just say, that people have shown their true colors during the most harsh conditions and when I needed them the most. So, to those people here's me saying that I hope whatever floats your damn, hypocritical boat, sinks it.

On a totally different note, there's a new life for me. One which I didn't think I'd have the opportunity to experience in a million years. What is it, you ask? Well, here it is. The freedom that I so desperately wanted, but was too much of a coward to go for it. Maybe if I'd actually had the guts to say 'NO' for once in my life, I wouldn't have ruined as many lives as I have. Which is what, you might wonder. To which I say, some secrets are best kept out of the Internet.

My first experience in Chennai, was frightening, to say the least. It was terrifying beyond compare. It was like being thrown out of a plane and forgetting you had a parachute on before someone reminds you. The thrill of exploring a new city is completely scary yet exhilarating at the same time. But after a while, you sorta crave company because no one really likes being alone, despite them telling so. Because in their heart of hearts, one soul always calls out to another. So before I bore you all with these very vague details about my life, let me tell you this. That, despite every single thing that's happened in my life so far, I am content.

Happiness has always been something that I've sacrificed for the sake of others; but never again. People will go to any end to belittle you and keep you from achieving what you're really capable of, because they might not have had the chance to carry out their inner most desires. You know? Those lovely, expensive pair of shoes you've always craved. That outing with a friend you'd have to miss because of other social "obligations". That enchanting place you've always wanted to visit but never had the time or proper company to go along with. Oh! And lets not forget the most important ones that's almost an integral part of every females life. Sacrificing your every single dream and desire because your parents want you to get married, and becoming the perfect house wife because its what society expects us to do. So, dear society and all you sniveling, hypocritical mid-wives and grandmas and grandpas and uncles and aunts who do nothing all day but suggest grooms for the "ELIGIBLE" children (YES CHILDREN. You dont consider a 20-21 year old as an adult), well guess what? Screw you. Need something to do to keep you entertained? Go read a good book. Or watch T.V . Need to ruin someones life? Then go jump into  a well.

And to you, moms and dads who think it is their sole duty to get their kids married at such a young age (even guys; because face it, even dudes these days who are 24, have the mental capacity of a 12 year old brat), I hope you realize that your child has a dream of their own. Something they very truly desire to seek and achieve, whether they want to travel or start a business of their own, support them in any way they can.

Because, you know what they say, if you really love something, let it go. If its meant to be, it will come back to you. Dont break its legs and cripple it for the sake of your own happiness.

Someone get me a coffee right now..Things almost got too intense e_____e

Love and Regards,

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