Saturday, July 18, 2015

Winter is coming~ (Spoilers ahead =~=)

Anyone, and I do mean just about EVERYONE, who knows this line can mean only one thing.

Yep, GAME OF THRONES. You play to win or you end up having a horrifying and gruesome death.(Like stomach churning, bile inducing deaths).

The internet was flooded with memes from this show and I simply had to see what the hype was all about. I mean, what could have people quoting lines from the show that reached Gandhian status. So, I downloaded season one and was ready to sacrifice my entire night. My bedroom door was open and the entire screen of my PC was plastered with the absolutely captivating opening theme ( which is still a huge favorite). Also, no one thought to warn me about the kind of scenes that are -coughs- not suitable to watch with your bedroom door wide /OPEN/. So when one such scene suddenly popped on the screen, I sat there flabbergasted, eyes darting towards the door and back to the icky scene on the screen. The one noteworthy matter about GOT is that even the s@#$x scenes have the most important dialogues in the show. So there is simply no way of missing it at all. And who should stride in to my room at that very moment to tell me good night before heading to sleep?
My dad, of course. Nothing prepared me for that and some instinctive reflex kicked in which caused me to stab my toe against the restart button, causing the screen to turn black and my heart to skip  a beat.

But, all lessons aside, the show really did live up to its name, atleast in my eyes. Even though it did start out slow with seemingly irrelevant scenes and unfamiliar faces showing up in every new scene, you eventually learn to distinguish the hoe from the bitch and the cheat from the ones who actually give a damn about the kingdom. Some of the scenes which involve violence and gore are simply too bloody for the weak-hearted but other than that, the story takes a sharp twist and interesting turn at every corner.

And the biggest lesson that I've learned from Game of Thrones is probably that the author R.R.Martin
hates everyone equally with a passion. You learn that, it is important to never have too much attachment to one single character because you never know which episode might be his last. I remember staying up till 4 am with a packet of tissues and sobbing my heart out after seeing the Red Wedding. To say that episode was depressing is probably an understatement. IT WILL RIP OUT YOUR HEART AND STEP ON IT BEFORE LETTING IT ROAST IN THE PITS OF HELL.

And the story does not end there. It goes on to other, more brutal murders, rape ,incest, abuse and every obscenity imaginable and still has you sitting on the edge of your seat, waiting for more. Book readers everywhere sounded outraged at the rape of the eldest Stark daughter, the burning of Shereen( which really did bring down Stannis' position but he died too, so yaay), beheading Rob stark and mounting the head of his dire wolf on his shoulders really have been some of the most outrageous scenes that sparked a hoard of wailing fangirls and guys to flood twitter with their opinions. Even the show probably has its characters going like..

The final stab to the open wound was probably the death of Jon Snow, even though I'd heard about it, read about it and discussed it with book readers who hate the show to an extent. And also the multitude of theories that state that he will be revived in Season 6, but who knows. Time to wait and see if the luscious maned man makes his reappearance. So until then, I'll probably lie in wait and fan girl about some other show. 

Other good recommendations to you guys reading this would be : Once Upon a Time, Lie to me, Bones, Sherlock,Big Bang Theory (all random genres but they're all equally good in their own field).

So for now, this is me signing off,


Thursday, July 9, 2015


All you PEWDS out there,

Lets hear a PEWPEWPEW if you're a PEWD.

Ok, that was lame, but hopefully, this post isn't.

As many of you may be aware, or maybe not, the latest Vlogging sensation  ( yes, people who posts videos) has been PewDiePie. 

No, its not an animal. And no, its not a kind of pie.Sounds like the kind fairies make though.

But before I diverge from the topic any further, this name came to my attention due to this HUMAN making news about his earnings for the year 2014 by sitting at home and playing games and OH MY GOD THAT LANGUAGE. It is not for the weak hearted or for people who visibly cringe at the word F**k. Yes, I did mean FORK. What else would it be? Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg ( Wolf that roams in the forest, apparently) ( And yes, that is his real name) makes a living by hugging his computer and making videos of his game play. Now, most would actually consider that a dream job and it most certainly sounds like a sweet deal.

So, I decided to see what all the hype was about and ended up watching a few ( ok, maybe not a few..more than a few..loads and loads of them actually). And, boy , did I laugh. His 'Dumb ways to die' and 'Flappy bird' game play have been my absolute favorite so far since I've played them both and royally sucked as well. If you dont mind the crude humor,the odd sounds, weird gestures and absolutely ear splitting language,  you're in for a helluva ride, people. His videos are not limited to only video game plays, but also has seemingly spread to answering the occasional fans questions, playing games (loved the Charlie Charlie challenge) and so on. Now, its only a matter of time before I sit and watch them all and wait for new ones. The thing that makes Pewdiepie stand out is his debonair good looks and charm (HAHAHAHAHA) Just kidding. I'm just there to hear the commentary and laugh my ass off. So if you're in a need of a good laugh, I would highly recommend a jolly Pewd video. Gotta respect what he does for charity as well. A new kind of role-model for this techno crazed generation of ours.

So, even though the internet may be booming with jealousy, awe,respect and a little gay for this crazy dude and his lifestyle, hats off to you for being a wonderful entertainer.


The Phoenix is back

A good day to the meager few who do stop by to read this,

Recently, my life has taken quite the turn. I wouldn't say for the worst, because that would mean I'm not enjoying the new adventure in my life right now. Let's just say, that people have shown their true colors during the most harsh conditions and when I needed them the most. So, to those people here's me saying that I hope whatever floats your damn, hypocritical boat, sinks it.

On a totally different note, there's a new life for me. One which I didn't think I'd have the opportunity to experience in a million years. What is it, you ask? Well, here it is. The freedom that I so desperately wanted, but was too much of a coward to go for it. Maybe if I'd actually had the guts to say 'NO' for once in my life, I wouldn't have ruined as many lives as I have. Which is what, you might wonder. To which I say, some secrets are best kept out of the Internet.

My first experience in Chennai, was frightening, to say the least. It was terrifying beyond compare. It was like being thrown out of a plane and forgetting you had a parachute on before someone reminds you. The thrill of exploring a new city is completely scary yet exhilarating at the same time. But after a while, you sorta crave company because no one really likes being alone, despite them telling so. Because in their heart of hearts, one soul always calls out to another. So before I bore you all with these very vague details about my life, let me tell you this. That, despite every single thing that's happened in my life so far, I am content.

Happiness has always been something that I've sacrificed for the sake of others; but never again. People will go to any end to belittle you and keep you from achieving what you're really capable of, because they might not have had the chance to carry out their inner most desires. You know? Those lovely, expensive pair of shoes you've always craved. That outing with a friend you'd have to miss because of other social "obligations". That enchanting place you've always wanted to visit but never had the time or proper company to go along with. Oh! And lets not forget the most important ones that's almost an integral part of every females life. Sacrificing your every single dream and desire because your parents want you to get married, and becoming the perfect house wife because its what society expects us to do. So, dear society and all you sniveling, hypocritical mid-wives and grandmas and grandpas and uncles and aunts who do nothing all day but suggest grooms for the "ELIGIBLE" children (YES CHILDREN. You dont consider a 20-21 year old as an adult), well guess what? Screw you. Need something to do to keep you entertained? Go read a good book. Or watch T.V . Need to ruin someones life? Then go jump into  a well.

And to you, moms and dads who think it is their sole duty to get their kids married at such a young age (even guys; because face it, even dudes these days who are 24, have the mental capacity of a 12 year old brat), I hope you realize that your child has a dream of their own. Something they very truly desire to seek and achieve, whether they want to travel or start a business of their own, support them in any way they can.

Because, you know what they say, if you really love something, let it go. If its meant to be, it will come back to you. Dont break its legs and cripple it for the sake of your own happiness.

Someone get me a coffee right now..Things almost got too intense e_____e

Love and Regards,